I have been completely sober for over 3 and a half years now.
Name: Caroline
Recovery Date: 04/01/2021
Drug of choice: Alcohol
Instagram: @sobertasmania
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/sobertasmania/
Website: www.cstrongdesigns.com
Give us a little background information. (Where are you from or grew up? What do you do for a living? What are your passions?): I grew up in Perth, Western Australia. I am a self-taught artist @cstrongdesigns. My passions are my children, art and appreciation for this beautiful earth.
Describe your experience in addiction.: Not having control and being a prisoner to addiction.
When did you realize your life had become unmanageable?: I realised it long before I got sober.
What did your recovery look like?: Being able to socialise without alcohol and finally getting it out of my life.
If you prefer to write freely, please do here.: Culturally, alcohol was apart of life growing up. Being half British, and half Australian, alcohol was involved in all aspects of social gatherings. Once you were old enough, you were free to partake with everyone else. It was a special feeling to be included with the adults at parties, and a lot of fun with friends when going out or staying in. Smoking cigarettes was encouraged amongst young teenagers and then onto weed as you got into your later teenage years. By the time I was in my twenties, I was a mess. This continued pretty much into my thirties as well. I knew one day I would have to stop.
I worked in the wine industry in a wine region, married to a Winemaker and wine was apart of life. Wherever I went there was wine, I just happened to be that person that couldn’t stop at one. There was no limit for me, no matter what. I found out in my thirties I was born with only 1 kidney. I was having an ultrasound for a different reason, and they discovered this fact. I thought binge drinking the way I did, would be a recipe for disaster on my body. I only smoked cigarettes later on while drinking too, and wanted to stop. It was such a strong habit together, I didn’t know how to do one without the other. The only way was to quit both at the same time. I had already given up pot years earlier in 2019, which I became really addicted to. It’s so strange how marijuana is seen as pretty harmless, however once in my system I was extremely dependent…more so than cigarettes and alcohol.
I have been married to a Winemaker for 16 years, have 4 beautiful children and been sober through those pregnancies. I feel proud as a mother to show my children the right way to live. To have control over your life and don’t waste any of it being stoned or hungover. Live it to the fullest, and learn from your mistakes.
I have been completely sober for over 3 and a half years now. I have never felt better. There is no more shame, insecurity or vulnerability. I feel strong as a person. I’m a better daughter, sister, wife, mother, artist and friend. I have confidence in all situations, because I know I am being my true authentic self. Experiencing life honestly and facing everything with a clear head. You really see and feel the difference once you get there. My motto to myself is be sober…No Matter What.
Getting sober is something that you can try and fail at many times. But never give up, because once you get there, it will all make sense. Whenever you ask a sober person if they have any regrets? It’s why they didn’t do it sooner. I wish everybody the very best on their individual journeys.
If you’re not in recovery, what’s the main reason you’d like to get sober? :
How are you doing these days?: Could not be better, living my best life as my best self X
What do you do to maintain your recovery?: Being a great mother, homeschooler, home renovator, creative and artist
What are you grateful for?: Everything
Any goals or aspirations you'd like to share?: Being free, well and alive for as long as possible
Any advice you would give to newly sober folks?: Be patient and kind to yourself