My recovery looked impossible to me in the beginning.
Instagram: @_curbs; @recoveryunplugged
Podcast: Recovery Unplugged
Website: Recovery Unplugged
Jason Cabello
DOC Heroin and Crack
Clean date 06/07/16
I am from Chicago but grew up in Miami, now living in Austin and work as a Director/Film maker. My passion outside of film is skateboarding.
I realized that my life was unmanageable years before getting clean but didn’t see a way out. My world had shrunk to a public bathroom and one day, heroin stopped filling the void it once did and I felt betrayed by the only thing that I loved.
My recovery looked impossible to me in the beginning. I just put one foot in front of the other and continue to do so.
Today, my life is better than I ever expected. I have patience today and enjoy the quiet, I never thought either was possible.
I continue my recovery by helping anyone that reaches out.
I am grateful for the choices that I have in life. When I was in active addiction, I had no choice but to get drugs. It did not matter how, I was going to get them. I’m beyond fortunate to be alive and not in prison.
If you are just finding recovery, seek out the people who seem to be at peace and ask them how they did it.
A story I did w my Mom
This is a short documentary I did with Lisa Pasquerosa, the mother of a friend of mine who lost his battle with addiction.